Hiroshi Shimazaki, Mindful Landscape Sketching, Altona, Canada, FriesenPress, 124 pages (English translation of FÅ«keishasei no Kokoro, Tokyo, Tosho Shuppan, 2020. A hands-on resource for artists and would be artists, emphasizing the importance of the artist’s underlying thought processes and encouraging readers to expand their
imaginations, world views, and historical perspectives. With 255 full-colour examples of the artist’s work from all over the globe, it illustrates his approach.
Shimazaki, Kojun (Hiroshi), Fukei Henro (Landscape along the ShikokuPilgrimage Path), (Watercolour sketches, paintings, maps, and diagrams with text in Japanese), Tokyo, Tokyo-tosho Publisher, 108 pages.
Shimazaki, Kojun (Hiroshi), Fukeishasei no Kokoro (Mindful Landscape Sketching), (Watercolour sketches and paintings with Japanese text), Tokyo, Tokyotosho Shuppan, 116 pages.
Shimazaki, Hiroshi with Pushpendra Singh Ranawat (Commentary), Udaipur Seen and Unseen (Watercolour paintings with artist's notes, and commentaries in English), Udaipur and New Delhi, Himanshu Publications, 88 pages
Shimazaki, Kojun (Hiroshi) with Owaki, Shuji (Commentary), Magome Hakkei: Then and Now (Watercolour paintings with text in Japanese and English), Magome, Toson Memorial Museum, Japan, 60 pages
Shimazaki, Hiroshi with Anant, Sameer and Amrita Deshpande (Commentary), India: The Way We See It (Watercolour paintings with text in English), Mumbai, Font and Pixel Media, 84 pages
Shimazaki, Kojun (Hiroshi), Toson no Tabiji (In the Footsteps of Shimazaki Toson) (Watercolour paintings with text in Japanese), Matsumoto, Nagano, Kyodo Shuppansha, 153 pages
Shimazaki, Hiroshi with Tohyama, Takashi (Commentary), Tsumago: Road to Tomorrow (Watercolour paintings with text in Japanese, English and Chinese), Tsumago, Nagano, Tsumago Preservation Foundation & Chunichi Shimbun-sha, 132 pages
Shimazaki, Hiroshi with Senda, Minoru (Commentary), Living Kyoto (Watercolour paintings with text in Japanese and English), Kyoto, Mitsumura Suiko Shoin, 64 pages
Tanaka (Shimazaki), Hiroshi, Asian Landscapes (A collection of field sketches with text in English), Lethbridge, Canada, University of Lethbridge, 60 pages
My major research undertakings have focused on the theme of human creativity in the broadest sense and its long-range implications in Pacific Rim regions. How people and places have interacted in the evolution and continuation of the worldwide pan-religious phenomenon of pilgrimage; how visionaries in the manufacturing and service sectors in Japan have formulated and then actualized their business designs in the domestic and international arenas; how the creative energy of Canadians has shaped the distinctive development of the nation; how the future-focused geo-political agendas of Spanish, British, French, and Americans moulded the regional character and destiny of Central America; how the aspirations of scattered colonial groups were engaged in the emergence of Australia are topics explored in my academic books listed below.
Shimazaki, Hiroshi, Australia: Mirai eno Rekishi (Australia: A History of the Future), Tokyo, Kokon Shoin, 137 pages
Shimazaki, Hiroshi, Chubei no Sekaishi (Central America: World Corridor), Tokyo, Kokon Shoin, 292 pages
Shimazaki, Hiroshi, La FilosofÃa del Éxito (Philosophy of Success), Mexico City, Grupo Noriega Editores (Limusa), 316 pages
Shimazaki, Hiroshi, Canada no Tochi to Hitobito (Canada, Land and People), Tokyo, Kokon Shoin, 292 pages
Shimazaki, Hiroshi, Vision in Japanese Entrepreneurship: The Evolution of a Security Enterprise, London and New York, Routledge, 267 pages.
2019 Reissued as Volume 35 Routledge Library Editions: Business and Economics in Asia.
Shimazaki, Hiroshi and Katagata, Zenji, SECOM no Shin-Renpou Keiei (SECOM's New Consolidated Management), Tokyo, Mainichi Shimbun-sha, 226 pages
Tanaka (Shimazaki), Hiroshi, The Human Side of Japanese Enterprise, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 269 pages
Tanaka (Shimazaki), Hiroshi, Personality in Industry, London, Pinter Publishers, 269 pages
Tanaka (Shimazaki), Hiroshi, Junreichi no Sekai (The World of Pilgrimage Places), Tokyo, Kokon Shoin, 280 pages